Tuesday, December 22, 2009


The boys and I thought that we would give Mom and Grandee a nice day of rest after Black Friday by going for a ride. Jen and Grandee decided that they would leave the house on Thankgiving at 10pm to start Black Friday right. They were finally done at about 7am. Talk about crazy!! I was up pretty late myself, just making sure they were alive, so when the kids (mainly Zack) was up early making noise and not wanting to 'just watch a movie', I wasn't able to rest anyway...worrying about the shoppers' ability to sleep, I decided that it was about time for us to leave. The main goal was to go see a movie, but the only one Zack wanted to watch was AstroBoy, which was only in the theatres that were showing older movies. Well, since the GPS can tell us where the movie was showing I thought we would just drive towards Santa Monica and see what happened. We made it to the beach in record time with few theaters along the I-10 that were showing different movies. I thought we would swing by the beach and let the kids put their feet in the water/sand and get back out for the search of a theatre. The day was so beautiful and warm that we spent a couple hours at the beach! I wish I would have brought extra clothes, because both boys were interested in playing in the water. We had a wet bottom and some pant cuffs, but that was easy to dry in a little while. Zack had fun chasing the pigeons. It was a great time!! and what a beautiful day!!!

After that, we drove down the freeway a bit to Tito's Taco Shop, which is one of Uncle Michael's favorite spots for food in the area. The boys enjoyed their tacos and burritos. It was yummy!! We were a little surprised when Mom called to check in on us. It was only a little before 2pm. We started driving back east towards Grandee's still looking for a movie. By the time we got close, the only theatre that was reasonable was in Riverside, but the GPS said we could make in time. Before passing Grandee's I thought I would text Jen and see what was going on. They were already awake and up and about, and it seemed like they wanted to see us sooner than later, so we stopped by RedBox and got some movies. Mom was a little bumbed that she didn't get to participate in the day's events, but sometimes you have to realize, 'you snooze, you lose'!!

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Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The firm I am working for is looking for new clients....(like everyone)...and they have given all the employees the duty to find referrals... I am all for that, especially cause that means I will still have a job... Anyway, we will go anywhere (I am not sure if that is totally true), but I know we have traveled all over the country to perform audits, so bring it!! Anyway, if you are in a position to hear if your company is looking to switch their team of independent auditors, then please throw my name over. Would be glad to get them in contact with the big dogs that wheel and deal :).

Thanks a bunch...let me know if you need to know any specifics....



I have no idea what I am doing being a blogger...I am just so silly at it. I don't know what to do or what to say...but I have to say something right?

What has been going on you ask? Well, it's been busy. We have been just doing the everyday stuff. The weather has been cold, hot, cold, hot...so I think I am just trying not to get sick over and over. It was really cold in the middle of October, but by the week of Halloween it turned really nice. We had a nice truck or treat at the church, but missed all the neighbor kids. Half of us dressed up, Jen put on the green make up again for her wicked witchness and Zack was Batman. He loves that costume. I was able to get out of the house this morning because I found that mask, put it on him and sent him upstairs to play the wii.

I am really looking forward to this weekend. Jen and I achieved 13 years of complete bliss this week and are heading to San Diego this weekend. He have been totally SD deprived for the past couple years and are really excited to head back for a couple days of fun and relaxation.....that's right...no Zack waking us at 6am wondering where is chocolate milk is or to get some help on the wii playing SuperMario 3. It shall be great.... The iteniary is still a surprise, so will give the details on my next post....


Sunday, October 18, 2009


It is now the end of the week that I refer to as my birthday week. We have just finished the cake and the party is over. I had a great week though. Starting last weekend I was able to get up to Nephi and visit my brother, Tom, and his family. The reason for the visit was a surprise from Tom about my new car. A silver 2001 Volvo S40. It has been a great car so far, a couple little issues, but my brother Ian will take it next week to get the kinks out. Looking forward to that!

Jen and I bothe took the my birth day off and ran down to Anahiem for a quick trip to Disneyland. I got in free, and so we thought we would go. We had a great time. We went on Indiana Jones, Pirates, Haunted Mansion, Splash Mountain, Thunder Moutain, had a quick bite (shared a roast beef sandwich and some fries), Materhorn, Space Mountain and Buzz. It was a great time. We finished the night with a trip to my favorite restaurant, joined by the in-laws. We then went over there and picked up the cake. We were too full to have more than a couple bites of ice cream, so the cake was sent home with us. I was able to drive most of the way home that time. I probably would have been able to make it all the way if I wasn't stopped by the best CHP ever. He doesn't give tickets on your birthday, so I just have a fix it ticket!! Awesome!!

The next day, back at work, my desk was covered by a metallic rainbow of decoration. It was a little much but the peeps at the office made me feel ever so special. I was taken out on Monday and Wednesday by two groups of co-workers. It is nice to be a co-worker again. Being the boss sucks.

I was able to get caught up with most of the work thank goodness, but I am still a little bit out of it when talking about school. Thats why it took so long to get back to the blog. Anyway, had a nice time yesterday going to the movies and then picking up my iPhone. We spent the rest of the night with a friend that was also celebrating birthday week!!


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Well, I feel like I am cheating on my blog with.....Facebook!!! I just started to FB and feel bad because it has been months since my last post. I feel horrible. I also need to get taking more pictures more often.

So it has been months....well all of summer actually. I can't believe how crazy it's been. It was supposed to slow down at work, but not. I was booked all summer with appointments right after another. It was good to be busy, but yikes. Not that it takes all that time to put up a blog. I mean really. As I review the calendar, there isn't anything that really stands out, just a lot of little things. A lot of hours, a lot of traveling, school, a ward swimming party, teaching, jen to girls' camp, harry potter, meetings with the attorneys, country line dancing, trip to idaho...you know what I mean...

Anyway...I am going to try and spend equal amount of time with FB and the blog...I promise....

thanks for listen...or whatever you call it...


Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Thanks to Uncle Tom, we had the great opportunity to go ride the new razor, which he tells me is the coolest. I am not in on the new and exicting of the 'dune' world, but it was quite a load of fun. He was there a couple weeks ago and we met him for the evening. Thanks to Diven and Merry I had something to drive while Jen and Brenden were kicking up the dirt of the Hurricane desert. I probably should know what I was driving, but it was automatic, red, pretty bulky, fast enough and a great ride.

We probably should have went earlier so we could leave before the sun went down, because the 2WD on my car was not sufficient for me to feel confident enough to get to the paved road near by. I was unable to leave the same way I came in, drove through someone else's camp and had to hit it a couple times while driving through some lose sand. But I made it to the road without anyone needing to come pull me out of the sand.

Thanks again to the Beitzel's and the Douglas' (grand rock version) for a great two hours at the Dunes on a Thursday night. Well worth the drive, and willing to do it again. (Hope you felt the same, so we will get the next invite :)).


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Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We got to spend the day with Grandee...although she had to be at the hospital with Nana most of our visit. On Saturday night, we colored eggs and Zack had some fun putting stickers on. I was amazed at the level of color that are available for eggs now a days. It is amazing to see the bright eggs. Brenden was the main colorist of the eggs, and as you can see, Zack did the stickers. He had a great time and really didn't have a problem crackin' 'em open and having him some hard boiled egg. We were yelling at Brenden the other day when he was offering Zack just the yoke, but that boy just put 'em down. We were suprised that Zack didn't complain, but I guess it was because his mouth was filled with yoke :). But we went back for seconds...that kid can eat.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009


Come one, come all!! It is now time to swim in Vegas. Please make your way over and get your dippin' on! No one knows how long the pool might be available, so you better come quick! If you don't know why I say that, let me give you the 411. We are looking for an investor to buy our house (with the pool) so that we can rent it back and stay there. We currently have it on the market, but hoping it will wait for our angel of mercy. Now we are good to go whereever we need to be, but it sure would be nice to stay. Anyway, so spread the word. If we get someone to let us stay, you will have more time to enjoy the water :).

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Status of My Diet

I have no idea why I can't lose weight. I mean really I am very careful to drink my Diet Coke..

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

PROUD papa!!

I know, I know...pride goeth before the fall, but I am pretty stoked about Brenden's recent accomplishments in school. He is doing really well and I just have to share. Recently he was selected to be part of a group of four kids in school to address the school district's board of trustees. If you don't know anything about Clark County (Las Vegas), it has one of the largest school districts. He attends a Magnet school, which is kind of like a charter school within the district. There are 18 schools now. He is on a bus for an hour a day to get there and he loves it. It specializes in math and science via technology. All the students were asked to write why they love the magnet program. Like I said, he was one of four (and one was the principal's son). So he memorized his thoughts and addressed the board. It was impressive and I got a bit teary eyed. I wanted to attached the mp3, but couldn't figure it out. I can email it if you want to hear the 30 seconds of the hour long meeting. :)

So yesterday we had to run to school to see him perform in the music ensamble he's in at school and see him get an award for being on the Principal's List. This is reserved for a couple students in the upper grades that are not on the A or A-B Honor Roll (Brenden has a hard time getting out of the 70-percentile in Spelling). The teachers select student that they think try really hard in their subjects that don't get Bs. And if you asked Brenden, he will tell you that because of the program he is in the grade scale is a little above what he would have gotten at a regular elementary. Well, since he is always just full of crap, I just happen to ask the teacher who did confirm that THIS time, he was correct.

Anyway, it is great to see your kids excel in the stuff they like and enjoy what they do. He is on the bus for so long and away from home and hardly complains. He would like to be able to play with his friends more, but he is happy to sacrifice. Good times...good times.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well, it has been two weeks. This is my first missed week. :( I am quite bumbed, but also, I have been pretty good, right? As long as this doesn't start a trend. I am sure I will be strong and conquer my weaknesses.
So, what's up with the logo you say? Well, University of Phoenix, or UoPhx as I call them, is to blame for my shame. Last week I added another class to my schedule. So besides working from 5am to 10pm, and doing my own studying, I had a class to teach on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Now Tuesday only had 4 people in it, but my Monday night class has 27. Yes, I said 27. And they all showed up!! Usually I scare a couple people away, but not these folks...they are there for a purpose, and they came on week two as well.
Anyway with all that and grading 20ish papers, I was not about to get on my blog and share anything. I have a free minute where I feel like I am in control a bit, so here I am being the best blogger I can be.
I am really missing my kids right now. Luckily Jen is awake for a couple minutes when I get home so I can say hi and how are you at least, mostly everyday. But the boys are asleep when I leave and when I come home. So I have decided that I am really missing them on Tuesday. I think it is because I got to see them on the weekend and so I am needing them by Tuesday. So after this Tuesday class is over, I am heading home early enough to put them to bed. I think with that and the weekend, I should be able to cope.
Well, that what's up right now at this moment.
Thanks for reading...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It appears that my 528e will be leaving shortly. Luckily my own personal Saint has helped me get into this sweet goodness. This is my 2000 Grand Prix GTP. You know I am going to keep it around, 'cuz it just got plates and insurance. It took a while, but its done. I am so grateful for my car. It looks pretty darn good and runs well. I am hoping now that I will have luck with the AC. My Saint got it going, but then the poor thing blew (not my Saint, the AC something or other). So I will be taking it in to see what we'll have to do.

Anyway, everything is pretty calm and quiet. Work is good. School is doing well. I just started teaching, another next Monday. Hoping the psychotherapist gives me a deal when my family needs help coping with my absenteeism. Love you guys.


219.2<--looks like I am getting a thin mint cookie today!!!
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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

NEW Arrival for ETERNITY

Well..I am trying to put a positive spin on new news that has been communicated this week. Someone in our family is going to have a new sibling. If you know anything about our life, you know that means that Zack's birth mom is expecting. At this point, it appears that it is a welcome event in the life of Vanessa, because she has not led us to believe that she is thinking about giving up this one. So my title 'New Arrival..' means that we feel that these babies can be ours, and we might have the chance to raise them during the Milenium. So, it looks like there is another one coming to our family, not now, but maybe in the eternities.

I don't know why it makes me tear up, but maybe it is just the tug at an old wound. You know how sometimes you have a reoccuring pain from an old injury. Well thinking of another little baby coming to a family that can't provide what we can, what we would love to provide, it hurts just a bit. The hard part is really that right now is not the best time financially to even want to be parents again. We have two beautiful boys that are a joy to have and raise. We are happy! It just hurts a tiny bit when those that don't really want them, have these cuties that will not have the benefits of an intact family.

So onward we go. This post is dedicated to my boo-boo, who is just the most precious little one, and we are so happy that he made it to our eternal family during life. Now if we can just remember this while his wonderful three-year oldness, terrorizes the house and makes an aweful mess!


221.7 <--i have to get to the gym...stupid schedule...
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Giddy UP!!

Monday was a holiday and a friend offered to have the boys come over and ride horses. I was worried that the rain would ruin their plans, but it held up just in time for them to go riding. I was surprised when I asked Jen about Zack, and she said that we wasn't worried a lick. He took some carrots with him and was happy to help the horsey have a little snack.

He got right up on the horse and went around a little and didn't want to get off. When it was Brenden's turn he had a hard time getting off. It was really fun to see the picture of the little men on a big horse. Fun for them on President's Day!

School is coming along. I am just about finishing my first class. It was about communications, which is fine, but I am really looking forward to taking the next 10 courses on accounting. It will be interesting to see what I know and what I don't know. I am sure it will be perfect timing--I will have an easy class when I need it, and when I have more time it will be the ones that are more difficult. My goal is not to just pass with an A, but to learn the material. I think it will be easier to do that when I know I have the CPA exams at the end.

'Til next time partner...giddy up.


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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Favorite Picture of the DAY

What an awesome picture, no? We had some family pictures done for CHRISTmas and stuff and this is the favorite of Brenden. I think it looks totally cool. They made him look real good with the effects and stuff. But you can still tell it is Brenden by the eyes and lips. He is telling us how much he loved posing.

Started working on reading the BoM everyday (thanks Dad). I have taken it with me to work and stuff to try to make it part of my list of things to do on a daily basis. Got to the temple on Saturday morning too. Feeling pretty good about myself right now. We had a temple fireside a couple weeks ago and the stake president said that he would like us to go 20 times this year. With my current schedule I decided to just get up regular time on Saturdays like the rest of the week and go early in the morning. That way the Saturdays I don't work, I should be able to get home in time to get the kids some breakfast and enjoy the morning with them.

And there you go...I think I am doing pretty good so far with my weekly post!?! I am sure no expert blogger yet, but I think iz doin all rite...



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Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Dont' you think this picture is cute? I do too. I printed this out to put in a frame on my desk at the temp job and she was all like 'I'm so fat in this picture'. You women are so crazy. Don't you know that we love you just the way you are. You don't mind our flab, bald spot (or spots) or annoying smells or noises (well some of you mind those). So don't worry about it. Just make those wonderful meals a bit smaller, cause you know we'll eat the whole thing, cause it's so good!! Help us with our portions and let's go walking or something...and we'll both be healthier.

Love you baby!!

220.2<--what's this you say...my weight. Jen and I are on looking for some rewards when we meet our mile stones...I can't remember what they are right now...so more to come on that... 2/27 - addendum to this post - i want to repeat the statement that Jen cooks so good that we, the kids, will eat all the food. So therefore, if the amounts of food are smaller, which is normally the case anyway, then I won't eat everything (so good!!) and not be fat (me be fat).. thanks for listening!!
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Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Zack's new EYES!!

Zack got new glasses this week. He has a lazy eye and the glasses are suppose to help it. We are hoping that it helps enough where we won't need any surgeries. Not liking that!!

Started school a week ago. It has been fun getting back it to it, just hoping that my team (the other couple people that will do group assignments with) is as excited as I am. More to come!


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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brenden - Essay Winner

What a crazy Friday! A friend was getting married at 1pm and Brenden was reading his award-winning essay at the DARE graduation at 2pm. I had the motor running outside, so as soon as Jen got out we could make it to the graduation.

He was selected out of his fifth grade class as the Essay Winner by the officer responsible for the DARE program. It was all about how drugs and alcohol and smoking is bad for you in more ways then one. He promised that he would never touch any of the stuff.

It was pretty impressive. Writing is not his strongest subject, and for him to win this honor what fantastic. We are really proud of our drug-free, essay writing Brenden.


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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Potty Training Blues :(

Zackary is as cute as can be. He is my favorite 3-year old son for sure. He has learned how to use the potty in record time and is awesome, hardly having any accidents. He even sleeps in his underwear and has only wet the bed a handful of times. And so the reason of the blog:

He has decided somehow that the toilet is not always necessary when going potty. I was on the phone one evening and we were watching TV. As I watch, he pulls down his pants and I assumed that he wanted to check everything out, in the normal little boy fashion. Instead, he just started peeing right there and then. I give him a glare (I was on the phone, remember) and he was like, what's up!??

I finished my conversation and got into father mode. He was totally unaware that he had done anything wrong and was broken hearted that this would make him go to his room. He came back out in less than 30 seconds saying "sorry", but he was unable to return for a minute while I composed myself.

Talking with sexy mama later, oh, I mean Jen, she said that she had found wet spots here and there, but guessed Zack had accidents. She didn't know that it was just Zack's new potty spot around the house. I have to say that at least he did pull down his 'undies' and not wet his clothes:).

Anyway, that is the post for this week. Zack has been amazing at potty training (probably because he had to start school before Christmas) and so we must have some bumps in the road, right??!

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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

First Blog

Thought I should start blogging...everyone is doing it. Not really a new year's resolution, but a way to document my happenings within the year. As I was reading the Christmas cards of family and friends, I thought it would be a good idea to do the same, but how do you remember all that stuff...thus the blog...

The goal is to enter some text and a picture weekly...so this will be proof on how I do with my goals. It should be a busy year, so we shall see if I can keep up.

First picture is of my current vehicle. The 87 BMW 528e. My brother, Tom, is kind enough to help me obtain transportation. So I had this laying around and it needed a new trany, thus the need for Tom. I think I shall start calling him St. Tom, because he is sent from heaven.