Friday, March 19, 2010

It's a boy!!

Here are some pictures! I am having a boy. We were really expecting to have a girl because of how Jen's body was reacting to the pregnancy. It would have been fun to add a girl to the mix, but really, a baby is such a blessing and miracle.

Not wanting to speak this out loud and to put this out in the universe, but Jen is doing a lot better. The IV pole has been unused for weeks, no visits to the hospital, ER or even the doctor's office. She has even started reducing the dosage for the zofran pump. We are hoping she will be able to remove that all together. The baby is moving a lot and is making it all more of a reality.

We will be able to clean out all the baby stuff and get rid of stuff we don't need and get everything else prepared. We are excited about getting the crib together, getting the baby seat out and cleaned and then going through the clothes. It will be nice to start getting ready for the baby to come. We are half way through and feel blessed to be looking back at the difficult past.

We have been so blessed by the thoughts and prayers from all of you. We have been supported and sometimes propped up to get through the day. It made it easier, knowing of all the love from our family and friends. And boy do we have a lot. Things like this happen to help us remember how many people have been sent from God to help us through this life, which can be difficult at times.

We were able to go to the ultrasound today with the boys. It was fun to have them there, really not knowing what to expect and see them experience this with us. They were excited to see everything and know what the baby was with us. What a great thing to do together!! Although Zack was scared of the monster on the screen...we were able to see a healthy baby boy!!

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