Friday, January 29, 2010


Was hoping for some additional prayers coming this way. All I can say, is be careful what you wish for and pray for….because maybe the Lord’s time is way different than yours, and I mean WAY different.

Well….after 10 years of wishing for a baby, apparently now is the time!! Yep, we are expecting!! A little bit of miracle has visited us and we are now expecting an addition to our family in August. That’s right, you aren’t reading this wrong, we are pregnant. Not someone we know and wants to give us a baby, it’s us. I know, it’s not suppose to be possible. Well, like I said, be careful what you ask for, just you just might get it, only 10 years later.

This has been pretty bad for Jen. First we were just in shock for a couple weeks. Then, the sickness began (hyperemesis gravidarum). She has been having a hard time keeping her hydrated. So after a couple visits to doctor’s office, emergency room and an in-home visit for an IV, we thought it be better that we just tell everyone, instead of everyone wondering what the heck Jen has. I mean regularly people would be like, oh is she pregnant? But that is the last thing on everyone’s mind. We also wanted to be a little more excited about the whole thing. So hopefully the next time we send out an update, we will be more excited.

So a big SO SORRY to all Jen’s clients for her inability to make appointments and keep cancelling them, but we hope that she will be having some better days so that you have some better hair days!!

To all those that have ever gotten any clothes or other baby stuff, it’s payback time!! We were going to wait until we knew what it was, but we might as well ask if you start saving some of your cute stuff for us! Normally I wouldn’t ask, but well, we are going to need help…so, start saving for us, and don’t worry, as soon as we are done with it you can totally have it back, because this will be it for us….for sure!! So call me an Indian-giver, or whatever is politically correct now-a-days, but pride is out the window on this one!!

Thanks for the prayers and the well wishes. Just as a side note, try to avoid terms like, ‘see, all you had to do was relax’ or ‘that kind of thing always happens after you adopt’. ‘Good luck’, ‘congrats’ are fine at this point, but like I said we are just trying to get to the excited phase, and are just hoping that it will come sooner than later…(hoping that it’s not when the peanut gets here)!!

Love ya all!!! Thanks for all the support! OH, and those of you wondering if it’s ok to tell people…it’s OK!!!
