Wednesday, April 29, 2009


We got to spend the day with Grandee...although she had to be at the hospital with Nana most of our visit. On Saturday night, we colored eggs and Zack had some fun putting stickers on. I was amazed at the level of color that are available for eggs now a days. It is amazing to see the bright eggs. Brenden was the main colorist of the eggs, and as you can see, Zack did the stickers. He had a great time and really didn't have a problem crackin' 'em open and having him some hard boiled egg. We were yelling at Brenden the other day when he was offering Zack just the yoke, but that boy just put 'em down. We were suprised that Zack didn't complain, but I guess it was because his mouth was filled with yoke :). But we went back for seconds...that kid can eat.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009


Come one, come all!! It is now time to swim in Vegas. Please make your way over and get your dippin' on! No one knows how long the pool might be available, so you better come quick! If you don't know why I say that, let me give you the 411. We are looking for an investor to buy our house (with the pool) so that we can rent it back and stay there. We currently have it on the market, but hoping it will wait for our angel of mercy. Now we are good to go whereever we need to be, but it sure would be nice to stay. Anyway, so spread the word. If we get someone to let us stay, you will have more time to enjoy the water :).

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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Status of My Diet

I have no idea why I can't lose weight. I mean really I am very careful to drink my Diet Coke..

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