Friday, February 26, 2010


It’s been awhile since the first request, but I was hoping that there would be improvement and it would be like….thanks so much for the prayers… Unfortunately, not the case for our story!!

Since the last email we have been in the ER and admitted, home health came to put in an IV and get the zofran (anti nausea) pump going. That went pretty well for the week I was gone on business to Florida, but then when I got back we started down the normal road of heaving and unable to eat and sleep.

We got her back on an IV today, and had the doctor reevaluate the medications today. We are hoping that we can get her rehydrated and that the new medications will kick in. Baby sounded fine with 135 beats. Baby great…mom, not so much.

Needless to say, we are still working on being excited about the whole thing. We are at 17 weeks tomorrow and feel confident the baby is fine. We are just praying that she will be able to get back to ‘normal’ soon than later. We appreciate your prayers in her behalf.

I am hoping that there will be some ‘good’ news before too long, but will give you a heads up on the 18th, since that’s when the ultrasound is….