Wednesday, March 25, 2009

PROUD papa!!

I know, I know...pride goeth before the fall, but I am pretty stoked about Brenden's recent accomplishments in school. He is doing really well and I just have to share. Recently he was selected to be part of a group of four kids in school to address the school district's board of trustees. If you don't know anything about Clark County (Las Vegas), it has one of the largest school districts. He attends a Magnet school, which is kind of like a charter school within the district. There are 18 schools now. He is on a bus for an hour a day to get there and he loves it. It specializes in math and science via technology. All the students were asked to write why they love the magnet program. Like I said, he was one of four (and one was the principal's son). So he memorized his thoughts and addressed the board. It was impressive and I got a bit teary eyed. I wanted to attached the mp3, but couldn't figure it out. I can email it if you want to hear the 30 seconds of the hour long meeting. :)

So yesterday we had to run to school to see him perform in the music ensamble he's in at school and see him get an award for being on the Principal's List. This is reserved for a couple students in the upper grades that are not on the A or A-B Honor Roll (Brenden has a hard time getting out of the 70-percentile in Spelling). The teachers select student that they think try really hard in their subjects that don't get Bs. And if you asked Brenden, he will tell you that because of the program he is in the grade scale is a little above what he would have gotten at a regular elementary. Well, since he is always just full of crap, I just happen to ask the teacher who did confirm that THIS time, he was correct.

Anyway, it is great to see your kids excel in the stuff they like and enjoy what they do. He is on the bus for so long and away from home and hardly complains. He would like to be able to play with his friends more, but he is happy to sacrifice. Good times...good times.


Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Well, it has been two weeks. This is my first missed week. :( I am quite bumbed, but also, I have been pretty good, right? As long as this doesn't start a trend. I am sure I will be strong and conquer my weaknesses.
So, what's up with the logo you say? Well, University of Phoenix, or UoPhx as I call them, is to blame for my shame. Last week I added another class to my schedule. So besides working from 5am to 10pm, and doing my own studying, I had a class to teach on Monday and Tuesday evenings. Now Tuesday only had 4 people in it, but my Monday night class has 27. Yes, I said 27. And they all showed up!! Usually I scare a couple people away, but not these folks...they are there for a purpose, and they came on week two as well.
Anyway with all that and grading 20ish papers, I was not about to get on my blog and share anything. I have a free minute where I feel like I am in control a bit, so here I am being the best blogger I can be.
I am really missing my kids right now. Luckily Jen is awake for a couple minutes when I get home so I can say hi and how are you at least, mostly everyday. But the boys are asleep when I leave and when I come home. So I have decided that I am really missing them on Tuesday. I think it is because I got to see them on the weekend and so I am needing them by Tuesday. So after this Tuesday class is over, I am heading home early enough to put them to bed. I think with that and the weekend, I should be able to cope.
Well, that what's up right now at this moment.
Thanks for reading...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


It appears that my 528e will be leaving shortly. Luckily my own personal Saint has helped me get into this sweet goodness. This is my 2000 Grand Prix GTP. You know I am going to keep it around, 'cuz it just got plates and insurance. It took a while, but its done. I am so grateful for my car. It looks pretty darn good and runs well. I am hoping now that I will have luck with the AC. My Saint got it going, but then the poor thing blew (not my Saint, the AC something or other). So I will be taking it in to see what we'll have to do.

Anyway, everything is pretty calm and quiet. Work is good. School is doing well. I just started teaching, another next Monday. Hoping the psychotherapist gives me a deal when my family needs help coping with my absenteeism. Love you guys.


219.2<--looks like I am getting a thin mint cookie today!!!
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